Оружие Броня Сеты Бижутерия Рецепты Книги (spellbooks) Рыбы Другие предметы Common-рецепты 1 Ур 2 Ур 3 Ур 4 Ур 5 Ур 6 Ур 7 Ур 8 Ур 9 Ур Название Вес Цена Recipe: Akat Long Bow 30 86000 Recipe: Bec de Corbin 30 57400 Recipe: Caliburs 30 86000 Recipe: Club of Nature 30 86000 Recipe: Composite Armor 30 32000 Recipe: Composite Boots 30 4900 Recipe: Composite Helmet 30 7360 Recipe: Composite Shield 30 5160 Recipe: Crimson Boots 30 3220 Recipe: Cursed Staff 30 57400 Recipe: Dark Screamer 30 86000 Recipe: Demon's Boots 30 4900 Recipe: Demon's Gloves 30 4900 Recipe: Demon's Stockings 30 9200 Recipe: Demon's Tunic 30 14720 Recipe: Dwarven Chain Gaiters 30 8060 Recipe: Dwarven Chain Gloves 30 3220 Recipe: Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt 30 12880 Recipe: Dwarven Chain Shield 30 3120 Recipe: Dwarven War Hammer 30 57400 Recipe: Earring of Binding(100%) 30 5900 Recipe: Earring of Protection 30 3920 Recipe: Elemental Bow 30 57400 Recipe: Elven Bow of Nobility 30 57400 Recipe: Fist Blade 30 86000 Recipe: Forgotten Boots. 30 4900 Recipe: Gloves of Seal 30 3220 Recipe: Grace Dagger 30 86000 Recipe: Great Helmet 30 4840 Recipe: Heathen's Book 30 86000 Recipe: Hex Doll 30 86000 Recipe: Homunkulus's Sword 30 86000 Recipe: Horn of Glory 30 57400 Recipe: Inferno Staff 30 86000 Recipe: Katana 30 57400 Recipe: Knight Shield 30 3380 Recipe: Knuckle Duster 0 0 Recipe: Leolin's Mold(100%) 30 0 Recipe: Mace of the Underworld 30 86000 Recipe: Mithril Gauntlets 30 4900 Recipe: Necklace of Mermaid 30 7860 Recipe: Necklace of Protection 30 5220 Recipe: Nirvana Axe 30 86000 Recipe: Paagrio Axe 30 95600 Recipe: Paagrio Hammer 30 86000 Recipe: Paagrio Hand 30 3220 Recipe: Paradia Staff 30 86000 Recipe: Plate Leather Armor. 30 8920 Recipe: Plate Leather Gaiters. 30 5580 Recipe: Plated Leather Gloves 30 2980 Recipe: Poleaxe 30 86000 Recipe: Raid Sword 30 57400 Recipe: Rind Leather Armor 30 9660 Recipe: Rind Leather Boots 30 3220 Recipe: Rind Leather Gaiters 30 6040 Recipe: Rind Leather Gloves 30 3220 Recipe: Ring of Ages 30 3920 Recipe: Ring of Protection 30 2600 Recipe: Robe of Seal 30 15700 Recipe: Sage's Staff 30 86000 Recipe: Scorpion. 30 95600 Recipe: Shamshir 30 57400 Recipe: Shining Circlet. 30 7360 Recipe: Soulfire Dirk 30 57400 Recipe: Spirit Sword 30 57400 Recipe: Stick of Eternity 30 86000 Recipe: Stiletto 30 57400 Recipe: Sword of Delusion 30 86000 Recipe: Sword of Limit 30 86000 Recipe: Sword of Nightmare 30 86000 Recipe: Sword of Whispering Death 30 86000 Recipe: Tears of Fairy 30 57400 Recipe: Theca Leather Armor 30 16500 Recipe: Theca Leather Boots 30 5500 Recipe: Theca Leather Gaiters 30 10320 Recipe: Theca Leather Gloves 30 5500 Recipe: Tower Shield 30 5160 Recipe: Tsurugi 30 86000 Recipe: War Axe 30 86000 Recipe: Widow Maker 30 95600