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Мир Lineage 2

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Фильтровать по: уровню расам  
lvl Название Повтор Раса Класс Начало Npc
51 Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1 Нет giants
65 Bring Up With Love Нет beast
75 Mimir's Elixir (Quest) Нет Ivory Tower
75 Journey to Gracia Нет Orven
75 Magical Power of Fire - Part 2 Нет varka
75 Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe Да Все Все Primeval Isle Wharf
75 The Enveloping Darkness Нет
75 Collecting in the Air Нет
75 Prove Your Courage! (Varka) Да
75 Olympiad Starter Нет Border
75 To the Primeval Isle Нет Все Все Rune Township
75 How to Oppose Evil Нет
75 Good Day to Fly Нет
75 Magical Power of Water - Part 2 Нет ketra
75 Guardian of Safety Да
75 Slay the Enemy Commander! (Ketra) Да
75 Olympiad Veteran Нет Border
75 Elrokian Hunter's Proof Нет Rune Territory
75 Defeating Dragonkin Remnants Да
75 To the Seed of Infinity Да
75 Seeds of Chaos Нет
75 Defeat the Elrokian Raiders Да Все Все Primeval Isle Wharf
75 Cursed Life Да
75 A Powerful Primeval Creature Да Все Все Primeval Isle Wharf
75 Slay the Enemy Commander! (Varka) Да
75 Olympiad Undefeated Нет Border
75 Light Fragment Нет
75 Break Through the Hall of Suffering Да Rombarshya Territory
75 To the Seed of Destruction Да
75 Possessor of a Precious Soul - 4 Нет
75 Fate's Whisper Нет Oren Territory
75 Meeting the Elroki Нет Все Все Primeval Isle Wharf
75 Defend the Hall of Suffering Да Rombarshya Territory
75 Birth of the Seed Нет
75 Prove Your Courage! (Ketra) Да
76 Saga of the Spectral Master Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Moonlight Sentinel Нет Aden Territory
76 The Name of Evil - 1 Нет Rune Territory
76 Saga of the Duelist Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Shillien Saint Нет Giran Territory
76 Saga of the Archmage Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Adventurer Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Doombringer Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Soultaker Нет Giran Territory
76 Saga of the Ghost Sentinel Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Dreadnought Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Fortune Seeker Нет Rune Territory
76 Law Enforcement Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Mystic Muse Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Wind Rider Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Elemental Master Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Soul Hound Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Hell Knight Нет Giran Territory
76 Saga of the Cardinal Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Titan Нет Rune Territory
76 Saga of the Maestro Нет Rune Territory
76 Saga of the Storm Screamer Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Ghost Hunter Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Trickster Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Eva's Templar Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Spectral Dancer Нет Giran Territory
76 Containing the Attribute Power Нет Holly
76 Saga of the Hierophant Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Dominator Нет Rune Territory
76 Saga of the Grand Khavatari Нет Rune Territory
76 Saga of the Arcana Lord Нет Oren Territory
76 Matras' Curiosity Нет Gludio Territory
76 Saga of the Sagittarius Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Phoenix Knight Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Sword Muse Нет Aden Territory
76 Saga of the Shillien Templar Нет Giran Territory
76 Saga of the Eva's Saint Нет Oren Territory
76 Saga of the Doomcryer Нет Rune Territory
76 How Lavasauruses Are Made Да Goddard Territory
77 Attack Sailren! Да Rune Territory
77 The Name of Evil - 2 Нет Rune Territory
78 Zaken Embroidered Soul Cloak Нет Rune Territory
78 Path to Hellbound Нет Innadril Territory
78 That's Bloody Hot! Нет Innadril Territory
78 Matras' Suspicious Request Да
78 Bird in a Cage Нет Innadril Territory
78 A Trap for Revenge Нет
78 Jude's Request Да
78 Proof of Existence Да
79 Seven Signs - Sacred Book of Seal Нет
79 Seven Signs - Contract of Mammon Нет
79 Seven Signs - Embryo Нет
79 Seven Signs - Series of Doubt Нет Croop
79 Control Device of the Giants Да
79 Seven Signs - Dying Message Нет Hollint
79 Seven Signs - Seal of the Emperor Нет Iason Heine
79 Success Failure of Business Нет
79 Seven Signs - Secret Ritual of the Priests Нет Claudia Athebalt
80 Steps for Honor Нет
80 Don't Know, Don't Care Да Giran Territory
80 Conquer the Hall of Erosion Да
80 Grave Robber Member Rescue Да Kanemika
80 Tired of Waiting Нет Aden Territory
80 Reclaim Our Era Да Rombarshya Territory
80 Take Advantage of the Crisis! Да Schuttgart Territory
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