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Название Класс P / M
Вес Цена


6372 Heaven's Divider
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Health or Focus.
S (2440) 342 / 132 2 x1 / x 1 1380 48800000
82 God's Blade
S (1900) 257 / 124 1 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000
6364 Forgotten Blade
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Health or Focus.
S (2440) 281 / 132 1 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000
6581 Forgotten Blade [Haste]
Increases attack speed by about 7%. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2440) 281 / 132 1 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000
6582 Forgotten Blade [Health]
Increases MaxHP by 25%. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2440) 281 / 132 1 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000
6583 Forgotten Blade [Focus]
Increases critical chance by 84. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2440) 281 / 132 1 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000
6605 Heavens Divider [Haste]
Increases attack speed by about 7%. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2440) 342 / 132 2 x1 / x 1 1380 48800000
6606 Heavens Divider [Health]
Increases MaxHP by 25%. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2440) 342 / 132 2 x1 / x 1 1380 48800000
6607 Heavens Divider [Focus]
Increases critical chance by 84. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2440) 342 / 132 2 x1 / x 1 1380 48800000
6611 Infinity Blade
During a critical attack, decreases one's P. Def and increases de-buff casting ability, damage shield effect, Max HP, Max MP, Max CP, and shield defense power. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2850) 297 / 137 1 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000
6612 Infinity Cleaver
Increases Max HP, Max CP, critical power and critical chance. Inflicts extra damage when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2850) 361 / 137 2 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000


80 Tallum Blade
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Poison, Haste or Anger.
a (1464) 213 / 107 1 x1 / x 1 1330 18300000
81 Dragon Slayer
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Critical Bleed or Critical Drain.
a (2160) 282 / 114 2 x1 / x 1 1840 27000000
85 Phantom Sword
a (1464) 170 / 143 1 x1 / x 1 860 18300000
147 Tear of Darkness
a (1464) 170 / 143 1 x1 / x 1 830 18300000
149 Sword of Life
a (1464) 170 / 143 1 x1 / x 1 840 18300000
150 Elemental Sword
Bestows one of the following functions: Magic Power, Magic Paralyze or Empower.
a (1464) 170 / 143 1 x1 / x 1 830 18300000
151 Sword of Miracles
Bestows one of the following functions: Magic Power, Magic Silence or Acumen.
a (1704) 176 / 146 1 x1 / x 1 840 21300000
2500 Dark Legion's Edge
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Damage, Health, or Rsk. Focus.
a (2160) 232 / 114 1 x1 / x 1 1320 27000000
4720 Tallum Blade
Increases maximum HP by 25%.
a (1464) 213 / 107 1 x1 / x 1 1330 18300000
4721 Tallum Blade - Rsk. Evasion
Evasion increases when HP drops below 60%.
a (1464) 213 / 107 1 x1 / x 1 1330 18300000
4722 Tallum Blade - Rsk. Haste
Increases Atk. Spd when HP becomes 60% or lower.
a (1464) 213 / 107 1 x1 / x 1 1330 18300000
5635 Tallum Blade
During a critical attack, poisons a target with a 10% chance of success. Effect 7. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 213 / 107 1 x1 / x 1 1330 0
5636 Tallum Blade
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 213 / 107 1 x1 / x 1 1330 0
5637 Tallum Blade
Decreases maximum HP by 15% and increases P. Atk. by 31. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 213 / 107 1 x1 / x 1 1330 0
5638 Elemental Sword
While launching a magic attack, MP consumption increases by 15% and M. Atk. increases by 153. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 170 / 143 1 x1 / x 1 830 0
5639 Elemental Sword
When using bad magic, paralyzes target with a 5% chance of success. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 170 / 143 1 x1 / x 1 830 0
5640 Elemental Sword
Increases M. Atk. by 30. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 170 / 143 1 x1 / x 1 830 0
5641 Sword of Miracles
While launching a magic attack, MP consumption increases 15% and M. Atk. increases by 167. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 186 / 152 1 x1 / x 1 840 0
5642 Sword of Miracles
When using bad magic against a target, casts Silence upon target with a 10% chance of success. Effect 1. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 186 / 152 1 x1 / x 1 840 0
5643 Sword of Miracles
Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 186 / 152 1 x1 / x 1 840 0
5644 Dragon Slayer
Increases maximum HP by 25%. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 282 / 114 2 x1 / x 1 1840 0
5645 Dragon Slayer
During a critical attack, increases probability of drawing target's blood by 24%. Effect 7. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 282 / 114 2 x1 / x 1 1840 0
5646 Dragon Slayer
During a critical attack, absorbs 11 HP from target. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 282 / 114 2 x1 / x 1 1840 0
5647 Dark Legion's Edge
During a critical attack, increases P. Atk. by 326. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 232 / 114 1 x1 / x 1 1320 0
5648 Dark Legion's Edge
Increases maximum HP by 25%. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 232 / 114 1 x1 / x 1 1320 0
5649 Dark Legion's Edge
When HP drops to 60% or below, increases Critical Attack by 130. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
a 232 / 114 1 x1 / x 1 1320 0


78 Great Sword
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Critical Damage or Focus.
b (1157) 213 / 91 2 x1 / x 1 1930 8680000
79 Sword of Damascus
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Damage or Haste.
b (1746) 194 / 99 1 x1 / x 1 1350 13100000
136 Blade of Serenity
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
137 Mist Sword
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
138 Sword of Desert
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
139 Dusk Sword
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
140 Eminence Sword
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
141 Hazard Sword
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
142 Keshanberk
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Focus or Back Blow
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
146 Ghoulbane
b (1157) 140 / 122 1 x1 / x 1 910 8680000
148 Sword of Valhalla
b (1157) 140 / 122 1 x1 / x 1 900 8680000
4714 Keshanberk
Increases Accuracy by 5.
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
4715 Keshanberk
Increases Critical Attack by 68.
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
4716 Keshanberk
Increases Critical Attack by 56 when attacking the enemy from behind.
b (1157) 175 / 91 1 x1 / x 1 1370 8680000
4717 Sword of Damascus
Increases Critical Attack by 64.
b (1746) 194 / 99 1 x1 / x 1 1350 13100000
4718 Sword of Damascus
Increases P. Atk. by 262 during a critical attack.
b (1746) 194 / 99 1 x1 / x 1 1350 13100000
4719 Sword of Damascus
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.
b (1746) 194 / 99 1 x1 / x 1 1350 13100000
4723 Great Sword
Increases maximum HP by 25%.
b (1157) 213 / 91 2 x1 / x 1 1930 8680000
4724 Great Sword
Increases P. Atk. by 247 during a critical attack.
b (1157) 213 / 91 2 x1 / x 1 1930 8680000
4725 Great Sword
Increases Critical Attack by 68.
b (1157) 213 / 91 2 x1 / x 1 1930 8680000


71 Flamberge
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Damage, Focus or Light.
c (916) 130 / 61 2 x2 / x 2 2010 2290000
72 Stormbringer
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Anger, Focus or Light.
c (916) 107 / 61 1 x2 / x 2 1430 2290000
73 Shamshir
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Back Blow, Rsk. Or Evasion.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
74 Katana
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Damage or Haste.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
75 Caliburs
Bestows either Guidance, Focus or Critical Damage.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
76 Sword of Delusion
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health, Rsk. Or Haste.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
77 Tsurugi
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Damage or Haste.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
84 Homunkulus's Sword
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Conversion or Paralyze.
c (1720) 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 950 4300000
131 Spirit Sword
Bestows either Critical Damage, Critical Poison or Haste
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
132 Sword of Limit
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Critical Drain, or Health.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
133 Raid Sword
Bestows either Focus, Critical Drain or Critical Poison
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
134 Sword of Nightmare
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Focus, or Light.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
135 Samurai Longsword
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Damage or Haste.
c (2452) 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 6130000
145 Sword of Whispering Death
Bestows one of the following functions: Empower, Magic Power or Magic Silence.
c (1720) 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 920 4300000
4681 Stormbringer
Decreases player's HP by 12 while increasing P. Atk. by 248 during a critical attack.
c (916) 107 / 61 1 x2 / x 2 1430 2290000
4682 Stormbringer
Increases Critical Attack by 86.
c (916) 107 / 61 1 x2 / x 2 1430 2290000
4683 Stormbringer
Reduces a weapon's weight by half.
c (916) 107 / 61 1 x2 / x 2 1430 2290000
4684 Shamshir
Increases Accuracy by 6.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4685 Shamshir
Increases Critical Attack by 67 when attacking the enemy from behind.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4686 Shamshir
Increases Evasion by 7 when HP becomes 60% or lower.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4687 Katana
Increases Critical Attack by 82.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4688 Katana
Increases P. Atk. by 194 during a critical attack.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4689 Katana
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4690 Spirit Sword
Increases P. Atk. by 194 during a critical attack.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4691 Spirit Sword
15% chance that target will be poisoned during critical attack. Effect 5
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4692 Spirit Sword
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4693 Raid Sword
Increases Critical Attack by 82.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4694 Raid Sword
User absorbs 9 HP from target during critical attack.
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4695 Raid Sword
15% chance that target will be poisoned during critical attack. Effect 5
c (1148) 122 / 68 1 x2 / x 2 1420 2870000
4696 Caliburs
Increases Accuracy by 5.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4697 Caliburs
Increases Critical Attack by 77.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4698 Caliburs
Increases P. Atk. by 213 during a critical attack.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4699 Sword of Delusion
Increases Critical Attack by 77.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4700 Sword of Delusion
Increases maximum HP by 25%.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4701 Sword of Delusion
Increases Atk. Spd. by 12% when HP drops to 60% or lower.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4702 Tsurugi
Increases Critical Attack by 77.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4703 Tsurugi
Increases P. Atk. by 213 during a critical attack.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4704 Tsurugi
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4705 Sword of Nightmare
Increases maximum HP by 25%.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4706 Sword of Nightmare
Increases Critical Attack by 77.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4707 Sword of Nightmare
Reduces a weapon's weight by half.
c (1720) 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 4300000
4708 Samurai Longsword
Increases Critical Attack by 73.
c (2452) 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 6130000
4709 Samurai Longsword
Increases P. Atk. by 231 during a critical attack.
c (2452) 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 6130000
4710 Samurai Longsword
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.
c (2452) 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 6130000
4711 Flamberge
Increases P. Atk. by 174 during a critical attack.
c (916) 130 / 61 2 x2 / x 2 2010 2290000
4712 Flamberge
Increases Critical Attack by 86.
c (916) 130 / 61 2 x2 / x 2 2010 2290000
4713 Flamberge
Reduces a weapon's weight by half.
c (916) 130 / 61 2 x2 / x 2 2010 2290000
5286 Berserker Blade
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus Critical Damage, Focus or Haste.
c (2425) 190 / 83 2 x3 / x 3 1380 0
5793 Tomb Savant A
c 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 0
5794 Tomb Savant B
c 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 0
5797 Tomb Savant A
c 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 0
5798 Tomb Savant B
c 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 0
5800 Nephilim Lord
c 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 0
5801 Dusk
c 156 / 83 1 x3 / x 3 1380 0
5802 Dawn
c 156 / 83 0 x3 / x 3 1380 0
6307 Sword of Limit
Increases Accuracy by 5.
c 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 0
6308 Sword of Limit
Absorbs HP +9 from target during a critical attack.
c 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 0
6309 Sword of Limit
Increases maximum HP by 25%.
c 139 / 76 1 x3 / x 3 1400 0
6310 Sword of Whispering Death
Increases M. Atk. by 24.
c 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 920 0
6311 Sword of Whispering Death
During magic attack, MP consumption will increase by 15% and M. Atk. will increase by 99.
c 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 920 0
6312 Sword of Whispering Death
Casts Silence against target with a 10% chance of success when using bad magic. Effect 1.
c 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 920 0
6313 Homunkulus's Sword
Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.
c 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 950 0
6314 Homunkulus's Sword
Increases maximum MP by 60% and decreases maximum HP by 40%.
c 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 950 0
6315 Homunkulus's Sword
Casts Paralyze against target with a 5% chance of success when using bad magic. Effect 1.
c 111 / 101 1 x3 / x 3 950 0
6347 Berserker Blade
Increases Critical Attack by 73.
c 190 / 83 2 x3 / x 3 1380 0
6348 Berserker Blade
Increases P. Atk. by 270 during a critical attack.
c 190 / 83 2 x3 / x 3 1380 0
6349 Berserker Blade
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.
c 190 / 83 2 x3 / x 3 1380 0


69 Bastard Sword
d (1170) 51 / 32 1 x2 / x 2 1510 644000
70 Claymore
d (3272) 112 / 54 2 x3 / x 3 2090 1800000
83 Sword of Magic
d (1301) 43 / 45 1 x2 / x 2 970 716000
123 Saber
d (743) 40 / 26 1 x2 / x 2 1520 409000
124 Two-Handed Sword
d (1758) 78 / 39 2 x2 / x 2 2180 967000
125 Spinebone Sword
d (1170) 51 / 32 1 x2 / x 2 1510 644000
126 Artisan's Sword
d (1170) 51 / 32 1 x2 / x 2 1500 644000
127 Crimson Sword
d (1758) 64 / 39 1 x2 / x 2 1490 967000
128 Knight's Sword
d (1170) 51 / 32 1 x2 / x 2 1500 644000
129 Sword of Revolution
d (2545) 79 / 47 1 x3 / x 3 1450 1400000
130 Elven Sword
d (1758) 64 / 39 1 x2 / x 2 1470 967000
143 Sword of Mystic
d (1301) 43 / 45 1 x2 / x 2 980 716000
144 Sword of Occult
d (1301) 43 / 45 1 x2 / x 2 970 716000
2499 Elven Long Sword
d (3272) 92 / 54 1 x3 / x 3 1440 1800000
5129 Doll Knife
d 32767 / 9999 1 x1 / x 1 120 1
5130 Nos Sword
d 32767 / 9999 1 x1 / x 1 120 1
5131 Parhit Staff
d 32767 / 9999 1 x1 / x 1 120 1
5132 Giant Trident
d 32767 / 9999 1 x1 / x 1 120 1
5285 Heavy Sword
d 49 / 26 2 x2 / x 2 1520 0
5791 Tomb Guard A
d 78 / 39 2 x2 / x 2 2180 0
5792 Tomb Guard B
d 78 / 39 2 x2 / x 2 2180 0
5795 Tomb Guard A
d 78 / 39 2 x2 / x 2 2180 0
5796 Tomb Guard B
d 78 / 39 2 x2 / x 2 2180 0


1 Short Sword
none 8 / 6 1 x0 / x 0 1600 768
2 Long Sword
none 24 / 17 1 x2 / x 2 1560 136000
3 Broadsword
none 11 / 9 1 x0 / x 0 1590 12500
66 Gladius
none 17 / 12 1 x2 / x 2 1570 54100
67 Orcish Sword
none 17 / 12 1 x2 / x 2 1570 54100
68 Falchion
none 31 / 21 1 x2 / x 2 1530 244000
120 Sword of Reflection
none 24 / 17 1 x2 / x 2 1550 136000
121 Sword of Watershadow
none 24 / 17 1 x2 / x 2 1540 136000
122 Handmade Sword
none 17 / 12 1 x2 / x 2 1570 54100
738 Sword of Solidarity
A bronze sword crafted long ago in memory of the union between the Humans and the Elves.
none 12 / 9 1 x0 / x 0 1300 18500
743 Sword of Sentinel
A steel blade issued to those fighters that have been acknowledged as protectors of the woods
none 14 / 11 1 x0 / x 0 1300 33600
975 Blood Saber
An orihalcon sword crafted in the Abella style of the east
none 14 / 11 1 x0 / x 0 1450 33600
981 Red Sunset Sword
A sword used by warriors belonging to the Red Sunset clan
none 16 / 10 2 x0 / x 0 1300 25500
1142 Rusted Bronze Sword
An old and rusty bronze sword called the 'Sword of Trial'. Use this to hunt poison spiders and arachnid trackers.
none 18 / 21 1 x2 / x 2 1400 116000
1333 Brandish
A two-hand sword for beginners
none 21 / 12 2 x2 / x 2 2250 54100
1510 Butcher's Sword
A sword granted to young Orc fighters who distinguished themselves at war.
none 13 / 10 1 x0 / x 0 1450 25500
2369 Squire's Sword
none 6 / 5 1 x0 / x 0 1600 138
2505 Iron Canine
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 4 / 5 1 x2 / x 2 100 13517
2915 Old Knight Sword
Use this sword to deliver the final blow to the spirit of Sir Herod.
none 24 / 17 1 x2 / x 2 3200 136000
3027 Old Knight's Sword
Use this sword to deliver the final blow to the spirit of Sir Herod.
none 29 / 17 2 x2 / x 2 2100 136000
3029 Sword of Binding
Use this sword to deliver the final blow to Zeruel.
none 17 / 12 1 x2 / x 2 1200 54100
3439 Shining Canine
Double-click to wear.
none 7 / 8 1 x2 / x 2 100 34067
3902 Ghost Canine
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 11 / 10 1 x2 / x 2 100 61084
3903 Mithril Canine
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 16 / 14 1 x2 / x 2 100 102365
3904 Sylvan Canine
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 23 / 18 1 x2 / x 2 100 161061
3905 Orikarukon Canine
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 31 / 24 1 x2 / x 2 100 241655
3906 Fang of Saltydog
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 40 / 30 1 x2 / x 2 100 349137
3907 Fang of Cerberus
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 49 / 36 1 x2 / x 2 100 450651
3908 Fang of Coyote
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 58 / 42 1 x2 / x 2 100 572957
3909 Crystalized Ice Canine
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 69 / 50 1 x2 / x 2 100 718153
3910 Fang of The Blue Wolf
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 80 / 58 1 x2 / x 2 100 1073912
3911 Fang of Fenril
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
none 93 / 66 1 x2 / x 2 100 1531914
3919 Serpent Fang
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
none 8 / 7 1 x2 / x 2 100 197143
3920 Viperbite
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
none 9 / 10 1 x2 / x 2 100 314456
3921 Shadow Fang
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
none 10 / 11 1 x2 / x 2 100 422374
3922 Alya Fang
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
none 12 / 13 1 x2 / x 2 100 567100
3923 Torturer
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
none 13 / 16 1 x2 / x 2 100 758241
3924 Unuk Alhay Fang
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
none 15 / 18 1 x2 / x 2 100 1098768
3925 Antiplague
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
none 17 / 21 1 x2 / x 2 100 1567803
4027 Bouquet
none 8 / 6 1 x0 / x 0 0 0
4202 Chrono Cithara
Chronicle I Souvenir!!!
none 1 / 1 1 x0 / x 0 0 0
4219 Dream Sword
none 31 / 21 1 x2 / x 2 1530 244000
4236 Gara Item
Can be put on by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 35 / 18 1 x2 / x 2 100 1338768
4237 Hatchling's Level 65 Weapon
Can be put on by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 35 / 18 1 x2 / x 2 100 1338768
4238 Hatchling's Level 75 Weapon
Can be put on by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 45 / 18 1 x2 / x 2 100 1458768
5176 Serpentine Spike
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a strider.
none 200 / 7 1 x2 / x 2 100 197143
5177 Drake Horn
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a strider.
none 220 / 10 1 x2 / x 2 100 314456
5178 Assult Alicorn
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a strider.
none 240 / 11 1 x2 / x 2 100 422374
5179 Draconic Slicer
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a strider.
none 260 / 13 1 x2 / x 2 100 567100
5180 Ohpdian Lance
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a strider.
none 280 / 16 1 x2 / x 2 100 758241
5181 Diamond Drill
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a strider.
none 300 / 18 1 x2 / x 2 100 1098768
5187 Serpentine Grinder
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 17 / 21 1 x2 / x 2 100 1567803
5188 Fang of Dahak
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 8 / 7 1 x2 / x 2 100 197143
5189 Crimson Blood Fang
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 9 / 10 1 x2 / x 2 100 314456
5190 Draconic Chopper
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 10 / 11 1 x2 / x 2 100 422374
5191 Diabolic Grinder
Can be worn by double-clicking. Exclusively used by a hatchling.
none 12 / 13 1 x2 / x 2 100 567100
5284 Zweihander
none 38 / 21 2 x2 / x 2 1530 0
6354 Falchion - For Newbie
none 31 / 21 1 x2 / x 2 1530 0