Все вещи
Metal Hardener
Ингридиент для
- Gust Boots
- Song: Moonlight Whisper
- Bloodsteel Kris
- Karlun's Skull
- Karlun's Rib Bone
- Karlun's Thigh Bone
- Widow Maker
- Recipe: Flamberge
- Recipe: Stormbringer
- Recipe: Big Hammer
- Recipe: Scythe
- Recipe: Battle Axe
- Recipe: Silver Axe
- Recipe: Skull Graver
- Recipe: Heavy Doom Hammer
- Recipe: Crystal Staff
- Recipe: Stick of Faith
- Recipe: Heavy Doom Axe
- Recipe: Cursed Dagger
- Recipe: Wolverine Needle
- Recipe: Dark Elven Dagger
- Recipe: Chakram
- Recipe: Crystallized Ice Bow
- Recipe: Orcish Glaive
- Recipe: Body Slasher
- Recipe: Shamshir
- Recipe: Katana
- Recipe: Bec de Corbin
- Recipe: Spirit Sword
- Recipe: Raid Sword
- Recipe: Cursed Staff
- Recipe: Stiletto
- Recipe: Soulfire Dirk
- Recipe: Elemental Bow
- Recipe: Elven Bow of Nobility
- Recipe: Tears of Fairy
- Recipe: Horn of Glory
- Recipe: Caliburs
- Recipe: Sword of Delusion
- Recipe: Tsurugi
- Recipe: Homunkulus's Sword
- Recipe: Poleaxe
- Recipe: Sword of Limit
- Recipe: Sword of Nightmare
- Recipe: Sword of Whispering Death
- Recipe: War Axe
- Recipe: Nirvana Axe
- Recipe: Stick of Eternity
- Recipe: Paradia Staff
- Recipe: Inferno Staff
- Recipe: Paagrio Hammer
- Recipe: Sage's Staff
- Recipe: Club of Nature
- Recipe: Mace of the Underworld
- Recipe: Grace Dagger
- Recipe: Dark Screamer
- Recipe: Fist Blade
- Recipe: Akat Long Bow
- Recipe: Heathen's Book
- Recipe: Hex Doll
- Recipe: Paagrio Axe
- Recipe: Scorpion.
- Recipe: Widow Maker
- Recipe: Samurai Longsword
- Recipe: Deadman's Staff
- Recipe: Ghoul's Staff
- Recipe: Demon's Staff
- Recipe: Crystal Dagger
- Recipe: Great Pata
- Recipe: Eminence Bow
- Recipe: Orcish Poleaxe
- Recipe: Candle of Wisdom
- Recipe: Blessed Branch
- Recipe: Phoenix Feather
- Recipe: Cerberus Eye
- Recipe: Scroll of Destruction
- Recipe: Claws of Black Dragon
- Recipe: Three Eyed Crow's Feather
- Recipe: Dwarven War Hammer
- Recipe: Yaksa Mace
- Recipe: Berserker Blade(100%)
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