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Lineage 2 по-русски
Мир Lineage 2

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NPC, монстры
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карта Ekimus

P.Atk (физ.атака)0
P.Def (физ.защита)0
M.Atk (маг.атака)0
M.Def (маг.защита)0
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 Undead: Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when com Race
Undead: Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when com
HP Increase (5x)
HP Increase (5x)
 Very resistant to sleep attacks. Greater Resist Sleep
Very resistant to sleep attacks.
 Has received the brand of despair. Greatly decreases P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and HP. HP Recovery is limited, but P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk.Spd., Accuracy, Critical Impact, and Critical Rate are increased. Mark of Despair
Has received the brand of despair. Greatly decreases P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and HP. HP Recovery is limited, but P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk.Spd., Accuracy, Critical Impact, and Critical Rate are increased.
 Has received the brand of despair. Greatly decreases P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and HP. HP Recovery is limited, but P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk.Spd., Accuracy, Critical Impact, and Critical Rate are increased. Mark of Despair
Has received the brand of despair. Greatly decreases P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and HP. HP Recovery is limited, but P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk.Spd., Accuracy, Critical Impact, and Critical Rate are increased.
 Instantly reduces P. Atk. Effect 1. Decrease P. Atk.
Instantly reduces P. Atk. Effect 1.
Mist of Souliter
Mist of Souliter
NPC Strike
NPC Strike
 Has received the brand of despair. Greatly decreases P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and HP. HP Recovery is limited, but P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk.Spd., Accuracy, Critical Impact, and Critical Rate are increased. Mark of Despair
Has received the brand of despair. Greatly decreases P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and HP. HP Recovery is limited, but P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk.Spd., Accuracy, Critical Impact, and Critical Rate are increased.
 Evasion/P. Def./M. Def./Speed are decreased. Exhale
Evasion/P. Def./M. Def./Speed are decreased.

Дроп (drop)

Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Vesper Necklace
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves
1 шт, шанс ???
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will
1 шт, шанс ???
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Dynasty Helmet
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Vesper Earring
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Vesper Leather Leggings
1 шт, шанс ???
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Vesper Ring
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Vesper Leather Boots
1 шт, шанс ???
Sealed Holy Spirit's Cloak
1 шт, шанс ???


   Гость   24 декабря 2009 10:08      0   :)   :(  #
Хоть ктонибуть знает где это чудо обитает
   Гость   29 марта 2010 16:35      0   :)   :(  #
на грации
   Гость   31 марта 2010 03:10      0   :)   :(  #
Семя Бесмертия
   Гость   30 августа 2010 16:54      0   :)   :(  #
Как к нему попасть?
   Гость   22 октября 2010 10:03      0   :)   :(  #
эээ ну чтож вы нупы куда же все без меня , сествует специальный квест на защиту семени и только после прохождения которого (4 чясти квеста)можно будет попасть в инстанс к Ekimus!
   Гость   6 октября 2013 19:27      0   :)   :(  #
чЯсти :DDDD
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