If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena.
BOSS Strike
Raid Boss - Level
General Construction Manager in charge of building the Tower of Insolence at command of Emperor Baium. When completion of the tower was continuously delayed, he was executed by the order of the enraged Emperor. After being killed unfairly, he came back to life thanks to the Energy of Life pouring out after the Tower of Insolence collapsed. Owing Baium a grudge, he is wandering about near the Tower of Insolence to take his revenge.
Сервер Lineage-Game x4 (интерлюдия, но с особенностями): Титаном 61 лвл слитым с 78 с инфернал мастером +8 и в неточенном таллуме в 3 окна (варк 78, бд 78) завалил его в 2 приема вообще без хила))) Охранников было 5 кукол и 3 лукаря, так что пика необязательна :) только к такому бафу еще надо съесть Sanctity Cristal из моса и все норм!!!