Все монстры
Смертоносный Голем Гинзу VIII
Уровень | 54 |
HP | 6487 |
MP | 0 |
XP | 19169 |
SP | 1458 |
Агро | 1 |
Тип | Моб |
P.Atk (физ.атака) | 530 |
P.Def (физ.защита) | 313 |
M.Atk (маг.атака) | 362 |
M.Def (маг.защита) | 229 |
Тип атаки | ? |
Расстояние атаки | ? |
Дроп (drop)
Адена |
от 2469 до 5029,
шанс 70% |
Лак |
1 шт,
шанс 23% |
Споил (sweep)
Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут оставлять комментарии.
Probe Golem Prodigy IV - 46 lvl
Coarse Bone Powder - 1/5
Moonstone Earring Wire - 1/7
Recipe: Earring Of Protection - 1/12
Menacing Jackhammer Golem - 47
Recipe: Earrings Of Binding (100%) - 1/16
Recipe: Ring Of Ages - 1/11
Ring Of Protection Gemstone - 1/5
Horrifying Cannon Golem I - 48
Necklace Of Protection Gemstone - 1/9
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C) - 1/43
Suede (1-3) - 1/2
Horrifying Cannon Golem IV - 48
Cord (1-3) - 1/2
Greater Dye Of STR <Str+2 Dex-2> - 1/165
Plated Leather Fragment - 1/15
Cruel Vice Golem - 49
Plated Leather Gaiters Material - 1/9
Recipe: Composite Armor - 1/82
Recipe: Necklace Of Mermaid - 1/20
Probe Golem Champion I - 49
Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt Material - 1/24
Mithril Ore - 1/3
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C) - 1/313
Horrifying Excavator Golem III - 51
Earring Of Binding Gemstone - 1/8
Recipe: Necklace Of Binding - 1/27
Ring Of Ages Gemstone - 1/5
Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem VII - 51
Iron Ore (1-11) - 1/1
Necklace Of Mermaid Teardrop - 1/4
Recipe: Nassen's Earring (view) - 1/8
Horrifying Cannon Golem - 52
Coal (1-11) - 1/1
Greater Dye Of STR <Str+3 Dex-3> - 1/91
Greater Healing Potion (1-3) - 1/2
Horrifying Cannon Golem III - 51 -данные о спойле отсутствуют
Horrifying Jackhammer Golem - 52
Crafted Leather - 1/6
Mithril Gauntlets Design - 1/4
Recipe: Drake Leather Armor - 1/38
Recipe: Earrings Of Binding (100%) - 1/74
Recipe: Ring Of Ages - 1/66
Ring Of Protection Gemstone - 1/12
Ginzu Golem Prodigy X - 52
Greater Dye Of CON <Con+3 Str-3> - 1/73
Greater Healing Potion (1-3) - 1/1
Stem (1-25) - 1/1
Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem II - 52
Caliburs Edge - 1/32
Recipe: Divine Tunic - 1/19
Shining Circlet Pattern - 1/4
Horrifying Ginzu Golem V - 53
Metallic Fiber (1-3) - 1/1
Nassen's Earring Gemstone - 1/4
Recipe: Soulshot: B-Grade - 1/83
Stem - 1/5
Horrifying Cannon Golem VI - 53
Enria - 1/18
Necklace Of Binding Chain - 1/9
Recipe: Spiritshot B - 1/152
Epic Cannon Golem - 53
Deadman's Staff Head - 1/41
Recipe: Avadon Breastplate (100%) - 1/41
Samurai Longsword Blade - 1/43
Epic Cannon Golem Adjunct - 52
Greater Dye Of CON <Con+3 Dex-3> - 1/138
Mold Lubricant - 1/15
Recipe: Ecliptic Axe (100%) - 1/188
Deadly Ginzu Golem V - 53
Demon's Staff Head - 1/35
Ghoul's Staff Head - 1/35
Iron Ore - 1/8
Recipe: Spell Breaker (60%) - 1/144
Horrifying Ginzu Golem VIII - 54
Crystal Dagger Blade - 1/35
Iron Ore (1-13) - 1/1
Recipe: Ice Storm Hammer (60%) - 1/139
Deadly Ginzu Golem VIII - 54
Great Pata Blade - 1/13
Recipe: Zubei's Leather Gaiters (100%) - 1/11
Steel - 1/4