If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena.
Raid Boss - Level
Brother of Falibati Queen Themis. He was sent to Maruk for the price of Themis' running devils. Due to the contract with Antharas, he is in charge of summoning other Maruk devils at Dragon Valley. However, he is jealous of Themis for having a deep relationship with the world of darkness because he is not a resident of the world of darkness where Maruks belong.
совет тем кто не в курсе. некоторы стражи РБ начинают убивать вас если вы бавфаетесь рядом с РБ.Так меня В БС 3 раза убили стражи. пока мы не доперли что это они маг критуют по нам(СУКИ)