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Lineage 2 по-русски
Мир Lineage 2

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Карты мира

NPC, монстры
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Все монстры

карта Собиратель Душ Ашерон

P.Atk (физ.атака)203
P.Def (физ.защита)509
M.Atk (маг.атака)16
M.Def (маг.защита)248
Тип атаки?
Расстояние атаки?
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Rooted to the ground. Becomes immobilized. Hold
Rooted to the ground. Becomes immobilized.
Is vulnerable to a sacred attack. Sacred Attack Weak Point
Is vulnerable to a sacred attack.
Launches a dark attack. Dark Attack
Launches a dark attack.
Demonic Race
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena. Raid Boss
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena.
Mercenary hired by a lord during the Dion Peasants' Riot. He was told that he could get eternal life if he collected souls and dedicated them to Shilen, and slaughtered a countless number of innocent peasants. Fed up with his brutality, Duke Ashton finally executed him. Even after his death, his desire to get eternal life still remains and he comes back to life again as an Undead. Presently, he is wandering about near Dion Castle and killing innocent people. Raid Boss - Level
Mercenary hired by a lord during the Dion Peasants' Riot. He was told that he could get eternal life if he collected souls and dedicated them to Shilen, and slaughtered a countless number of innocent peasants. Fed up with his brutality, Duke Ashton finally executed him. Even after his death, his desire to get eternal life still remains and he comes back to life again as an Undead. Presently, he is wandering about near Dion Castle and killing innocent people.

Дроп (drop)

Новая Краска МДР <МДР+2 ДУХ-2>
от 2 до 6, шанс 32%
Клинок Мифрилового Кинжала
от 12 до 36, шанс 21%
Свиток: Зачаровать Доспех (С)
от 15 до 45, шанс 17%
Потрепанные Перчатки Мудреца
1 шт, шанс 17%
Латные Сапоги
1 шт, шанс 17%
Подкладка Сапог из Кожи Саламандры
от 28 до 82, шанс 13%
Модель Латных Сапог
от 36 до 108, шанс 10%
Подкладка Потрепанных Перчаток Мудреца
от 46 до 136, шанс 1/13
Мифриловый Кинжал
1 шт, шанс 1/13
Выкройка Мифриловых Перчаток
от 112 до 336, шанс 1/33
Часть Штурмовых Сапог
от 320 до 960, шанс 1/100
Мифриловые Перчатки
от 9 до 25, шанс 1/100
Часть Рукавиц Огра
от 203 до 607, шанс 1/100
Рукавицы Огра
от 9 до 27, шанс ???
Штурмовые Сапоги
от 10 до 28, шанс ???
Сапоги из Кожи Саламандры
от 10 до 30, шанс ???


   Гость   8 мая 2011 18:23      0   :)   :(  #
15 мин дэстром)))
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