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Lineage 2 по-русски
Мир Lineage 2

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карта Death Lord Hallate

P.Atk (физ.атака)4139
P.Def (физ.защита)4018
M.Atk (маг.атака)1350
M.Def (маг.защита)816
Тип атакиsword
Расстояние атаки80
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Rooted to the ground. Becomes immobilized. Hold
Rooted to the ground. Becomes immobilized.
Launches a dark attack. Dark Attack
Launches a dark attack.
Undead Race
Provides powerful resistance against dark magic. Resist Dark Attack
Provides powerful resistance against dark magic.
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena. Raid Boss
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena.
Leader of devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. To obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils, he is aiming at the Tower of Insolence. To break a seal of the Tower of Insolence, he spent too much power, and became weak at the moment. He has a hostile relationship with angels protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad and the Platinum Tribe working for the angels. He has 3 loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha and Verfa. Raid Boss - Level
Leader of devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. To obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils, he is aiming at the Tower of Insolence. To break a seal of the Tower of Insolence, he spent too much power, and became weak at the moment. He has a hostile relationship with angels protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad and the Platinum Tribe working for the angels. He has 3 loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha and Verfa.

Дроп (drop)

Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)
1 шт, шанс 46%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric
от 24 до 72, шанс 21%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric
от 53 до 157, шанс 1/10
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor
1 шт, шанс 1/17
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare
1 шт, шанс 1/17
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)
1 шт, шанс 1/22


   Гость   4 апреля 2013 17:34      0   :)   :(  #
Это в хрониках ГОДдес их заменили на мобов
   Гость   4 апреля 2013 17:36      0   :)   :(  #
А так,да,стандартный респ ВСЕХ РБ ,кроме эпиков ,составляет 12 часов и плюс 8 часов рандома.
1  1 2
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