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Lineage 2 по-русски
Мир Lineage 2

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карта Проклятая Клара

P.Atk (физ.атака)637
P.Def (физ.защита)835
M.Atk (маг.атака)79
M.Def (маг.защита)407
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Shocked so that it cannot move momentarily. Shock
Shocked so that it cannot move momentarily.
none BOSS Mortal Blow
Beast Race
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena. Raid Boss
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena.
none BOSS Mortal Blow
She was a beautiful lady of a respectable family since her birth, but turned into Medusa after making Einhasad angry due to her excessive arrogance. After failing to accept her ugly looks and lost past, she became a brutal monster that takes her anger out on people near her. She even turned her fianc?who couldn't forget about her into stone and broke it down. She is not a beautiful lady anymore, but a monster. Raid Boss - Level
She was a beautiful lady of a respectable family since her birth, but turned into Medusa after making Einhasad angry due to her excessive arrogance. After failing to accept her ugly looks and lost past, she became a brutal monster that takes her anger out on people near her. She even turned her fianc?who couldn't forget about her into stone and broke it down. She is not a beautiful lady anymore, but a monster.

Дроп (drop)

Новая Краска СИЛ <СИЛ+3 ВЫН-3>
от 1 до 3, шанс 33%
Цепочка Адамантитового Ожерелья
от 14 до 42, шанс 28%
Клинок Когтя Артро
от 12 до 36, шанс 22%
Новая Краска СИЛ <СИЛ+3 ЛВК-3>
от 2 до 4, шанс 22%
Новая Краска ВЫН <ВЫН+3 СИЛ-3>
от 2 до 6, шанс 16%
Часть Адамантитового Кольца
от 40 до 120, шанс 15%
Адамантитовое Кольцо
1 шт, шанс 13%
Свиток: Зачаровать Оружие (С)
от 3 до 7, шанс 10%
Адамантитовая Серьга
1 шт, шанс 1/13
Адамантитовое Ожерелье
1 шт, шанс 1/17
Самоцвет Адамантитовой Серьги
от 81 до 243, шанс 1/17
Коготь Артро
1 шт, шанс 1/50


   Гость   19 мая 2010 22:57      0   :)   :(  #
Вообще этот Рб есть ото ппц в тех мкстах тежело бегать и искать!!!!???
   Гость   10 июля 2010 13:41      0   :)   :(  #
канешн есть я его регулярно фармлю
   Гость   5 сентября 2010 14:17      0   :)   :(  #
Earth Egg падает всем или толька КМу ?
   Гость   10 сентября 2011 11:47      0   :)   :(  #
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