If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena.
Raid Boss - Level
A unicorn aimlessly drifting along after losing its nest since the Era of Myths that ended upon rage against Einhasad's Titan. The unicorns are searching for their lost homeland. The leader of the unicorns has lost its group while roaming about from place to place, and been alienated. Although it is still desperately looking for its group, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from its group. Being alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
на свой уровень рб очень сильный.В охране два хилера,хиляют дико,один дестр под френзи в ц шмоте еле передамаживает...Вообщем,с мотря на его дроп,он не стоит усилий,которые нужно потратить.