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Lineage 2 по-русски
Мир Lineage 2

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карта Karte

P.Atk (физ.атака)377
P.Def (физ.защита)2161
M.Atk (маг.атака)20
M.Def (маг.защита)439
Тип атакиsword
Расстояние атаки80
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Inflicts a wound and reduces HP. Effect 2. Bleed
Inflicts a wound and reduces HP. Effect 2.
Decreases MP. Effect 2. Decrease MP
Decreases MP. Effect 2.
none BOSS HP Drain
Is vulnerable to a sacred attack. Sacred Attack Weak Point
Is vulnerable to a sacred attack.
Launches a dark attack. Dark Attack
Launches a dark attack.
Undead Race
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena. Raid Boss
If the level of the person who made the greatest contribution is higher than the level of the raid monster by 3 or more levels, then the probability of dropping an item or adena will decrease. If the level difference is nine or more levels, then, the monster will not drop any item or adena.
General of Elmoreden who earned the immortal body based on a contract with Devil Kernon. With a rigid personality, he was opposed to the constructing of the Tower of Insolence, for which he was saved from Einhasad's rage. However, he's been suffering from losing his lord and country, and despises people in this world who betrayed his lord and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may get to appear in front of his king and serve him again. Raid Boss - Level 49
General of Elmoreden who earned the immortal body based on a contract with Devil Kernon. With a rigid personality, he was opposed to the constructing of the Tower of Insolence, for which he was saved from Einhasad's rage. However, he's been suffering from losing his lord and country, and despises people in this world who betrayed his lord and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may get to appear in front of his king and serve him again.

Дроп (drop)

Crystal Dagger Blade
от 3 до 9, шанс 41%
Greater Dye of WIT [Wit+3 Men-3]
1 шт, шанс 39%
Greater Dye of MEN [Men+3 Wit-3]
от 1 до 3, шанс 20%
Theca Leather Boots Texture
от 9 до 27, шанс 18%
Greater Dye of WIT [Wit+3 Int-3]
от 2 до 4, шанс 13%
Theca Leather Gloves Texture
от 15 до 45, шанс 11%
Drake Leather Boots Design
от 22 до 66, шанс 1/16
Full Plate Boots Part
от 30 до 90, шанс 1/21
Theca Leather Gloves
1 шт, шанс 1/27
Theca Leather Boots
1 шт, шанс 1/27
Drake Leather Gloves Design
от 39 до 117, шанс 1/28
Drake Leather Gloves
1 шт, шанс 1/35
Drake Leather Boots
1 шт, шанс 1/35
Divine Gloves
1 шт, шанс 1/35
Full Plate Gauntlets
1 шт, шанс 1/35
Full Plate Boots
1 шт, шанс 1/35
Full Plate Gauntlets Part
от 49 до 147, шанс 1/35
Divine Gloves Pattern
от 60 до 180, шанс 1/43
Crystal Dagger
1 шт, шанс 1/56


   Гость   20 мая 2010 19:10      0   :)   :(  #
де он находится?
   Гость   25 мая 2010 23:01      0   :)   :(  #
на каком этаже ТОИ он?
   Гость   13 июня 2010 09:03      0   :)   :(  #
я так и не понял ето моб или рейд босс?
и где он находится?
   Гость   13 июня 2010 13:57      0   :)   :(  #
он не на етаже он на улице)
   Гость   31 июля 2010 14:25      0   :)   :(  #
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