Все вещи
Crafted Leather
Ингридиент для
- Stockings of Summoning
- Elemental Stockings
- Implosion Helmet
- Dark Dragon Helmet
- Elven Vagian Helm
- Dark Vagian Helm
- Composite Helmet
- Hell Helm
- Art of Helmet
- Masterpiece Helm
- Helmet of Silence
- Gust Helmet
- Prairie Helmet
- Helm of the Underworld
- Helmet of Concentration
- Ace`s Helmet
- Guardian`s Helmet
- Marksman Helmet
- Cap of Mana
- Sage`s Cap
- Paradia Hood
- Inferno Hood
- Hood of Solar Eclipse
- Hood of Black Ore
- Hood of Summoning
- Otherworldly Hood
- Elemental Hood
- Hood of Phantom
- Hood of Grace
- Hood of Holy Spirit
- Phoenix Hood
- Cerberus Hood
- Hood of Aid
- Hood of Blessing
- Flame Helm
- Helm of Bravery
- Tallum Helm
- Absolute Helm
- Helm of Avadon
- Helm of Doom
- Helmet of Pledge
- Divine Helm
- Dark Crystal Boots
- Implosion Boots
- Dark Dragon Boots
- Elven Vagian Boots
- Dark Vagian Boots
- Composite Boots
- Hell Boots
- Art of Boots
- Paradia Shield
- Inferno Shield
- Shield of Black Ore
- Shield of Summoning
- Otherworldly Shield
- Elemental Shield
- Shield of Phantom
- Shield of Grace
- Shield of Holy Spirit
- Phoenix Shield
- Cerberus Shield
- Shield of Aid
- Shield of Blessing
- Flame Shield
- Shield of Bravery
- Blood Shield
- Absolute Shield
- Avadon Shield
- Divine Shield
- Aquastone Ring
- Ring of Protection
- Ring of Ages
- Ring of Binding
- Adamantite Ring
- Blessed Ring
- Tateossian Ring
- Ring of Devotion
- Sage`s Ring
- Paradia Ring
- Majestic Ring
- Ring of Solar Eclipse
- Ring of Black Ore
- Ring of Summoning
- Recipe: Karmian Stockings
- Recipe: Mithril Boots
- Recipe: Mithril Shirt
- Recipe: Karmian Tunic
- Recipe: Eldarake
- Recipe: Steel Plate Helmet
- Recipe: Plated Leather Armor
- Recipe: Plated Leather Gaiters
- Recipe: Robe of Seal
- Recipe: Great Helmet
- Recipe: Pa`agrian Hand
- Recipe: Crimson Boots
- Recipe: Rind Leather Armor
- Recipe: Rind Leather Gaiters
- Recipe: Tower Shield
- Recipe: Mithril Gauntlets
- Recipe: Forgotten Boots
- Recipe: Shining Circlet
- Recipe: Theca Leather Armor
- Recipe: Theca Leather Gaiters
- Recipe: Drake Leather Armor
- Recipe: Divine Tunic
- Recipe: Divine Stockings
- Recipe: Mithril Helmet
- Recipe: Cap of Mana
- Recipe: Paradia Hood
- Recipe: Hood of Solar Eclipse
- Recipe: Hood of Summoning
- Recipe: Elemental Hood
- Recipe: Hood of Grace
- Recipe: Phoenix Hood
- Recipe: Hood of Aid
- Recipe: Flame Helm
- Recipe: Helm of Avadon
- Recipe: Helmet of Pledge
- Recipe: Gauntlets of Ghost
- Recipe: Adamantite Boots
- Recipe: Tempered Mithril Gaiters
- Recipe: Chain Hood
- Recipe: Chain Boots
- Recipe: Karmian Boots
- Recipe: Plated Leather Boots
- Recipe: Dwarven Chain Boots
- Recipe: Boots of Seal
- Recipe: Reinforced Mithril Gloves
- Recipe: Chain Gloves
- Recipe: Karmian Gloves
- Recipe: Chain Shield
- Recipe: Plated Leather Gloves
- Recipe: Dwarven Chain Shield
- Recipe: Rind Leather Boots
- Recipe: Dwarven Chain Gloves
- Recipe: Gloves of Seal
- Recipe: Rind Leather Gloves
- Recipe: Theca Leather Boots
- Recipe: Theca Leather Gloves
- Recipe: Composite Boots
- Recipe: Composite Helmet
- Recipe: Divine Boots
- Recipe: Full Plate Helmet
- Recipe: Drake Leather Boots
- Recipe: Full Plate Boots
- Recipe: Drake Leather Gloves
- Recipe: Full Plate Gauntlets
- Recipe: Divine Gloves
- Recipe: Blessed Gloves
- Recipe: Full Plate Shield
- Recipe: Composite Shield (100%)
- Recipe: Implosion Boots (100%)
- Recipe: Boots of Silence (100%)
- Recipe: Guardian`s Boots (100%)
- Recipe: Paradia Boots (100%)
- Recipe: Elemental Boots (100%)
- Recipe: Boots of Grace (100%)
- Recipe: Avadon Leather Armor (100%)
- Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (100%)
- Recipe: Stockings of Zubei (100%)
- Recipe: Avadon Robe (100%)
- Recipe: Avadon Circlet (100%)
- Recipe: Avadon Gloves (100%)
- Recipe: Chain Gloves of Silence (100%)
- Recipe: Guardian`s Gloves (100%)
- Recipe: Gloves of Blessing (100%)
- Recipe: Doom Shield (100%)
- Recipe: Boots of Blessing (100%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Leather Armor (100%)
- Recipe: Leather Armor of Doom (100%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Tunic (100%)
- Recipe: Tunic of Doom (100%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Stockings (100%)
- Recipe: Stockings of Doom (100%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Helmet (100%)
- Recipe: Doom Helmet (100%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Boots (100%)
- Recipe: Doom Gloves (100%)
- Recipe: Elemental Gloves (100%)
- Recipe: Gloves of Grace (100%)
- Recipe: Implosion Gauntlets (100%)
- Recipe: Paradia Gloves (100%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Gloves (100%)
- Recipe: Avadon Boots (100%)
- Recipe: Doom Boots (100%)
- Recipe: Boots of Silence (60%)
- Recipe: Guardian`s Boots (60%)
- Recipe: Avadon Leather Armor (60%)
- Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (60%)
- Recipe: Stockings of Zubei (60%)
- Recipe: Avadon Robe (60%)
- Recipe: Avadon Circlet (60%)
- Recipe: Avadon Gloves (60%)
- Recipe: Chain Gloves of Silence (60%)
- Recipe: Guardian`s Gloves (60%)
- Recipe: Gloves of Blessing (60%)
- Recipe: Boots of Blessing (60%)
- Recipe: Avadon Boots (60%)
- Recipe: Implosion Boots (60%)
- Recipe: Paradia Boots (60%)
- Recipe: Elemental Boots (60%)
- Recipe: Boots of Grace (60%)
- Recipe: Doom Shield (60%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Leather Armor (60%)
- Recipe: Leather Armor of Doom (60%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Tunic (60%)
- Recipe: Tunic of Doom (60%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Stockings (60%)
- Recipe: Stockings of Doom (60%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Helmet (60%)
- Recipe: Doom Helmet (60%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Boots (60%)
- Recipe: Doom Gloves (60%)
- Recipe: Elemental Gloves (60%)
- Recipe: Gloves of Grace (60%)
- Recipe: Implosion Gauntlets (60%)
- Recipe: Paradia Gloves (60%)
- Recipe: Blue Wolf Gloves (60%)
- Recipe: Doom Boots (60%)
- Recipe: Avadon Shield
- Recipe: Avadon Shield (60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Robe(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Robe(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet (60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet (100%)
во первых семена должны продоватся а это не обезателно ,решать лорду замка,во вторых манор должен скупатся и быть этому или нет тоже ему решать в четвёртых ты должен успеть его поменять и чтоб тебя не опередили и в пятых цена на этот манор должна быть норм иначе ты можеш манорит весь день и получит 30-40 штук,так что споил этово матеряла тоже важен и не пизди зря раз не знаеш>..
Споил (sweep)
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier (73) 1 шт, шанс 50%
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier (73) 1 шт, шанс 50%
Bloody Knight (73) 1 шт, шанс 47%
Platinum Tribe Overlord (71) 1 шт, шанс 44%
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (63) 1 шт, шанс 36%
Alpen Buffalo (67) 1 шт, шанс 33%
Hot Springs Grendel (76) 1 шт, шанс 24%
Hallate's Maid (66) 1 шт, шанс 24%
Erin Ediunce (66) 1 шт, шанс 23%
Hot Springs Yeti (75) 1 шт, шанс 23%
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (65) 1 шт, шанс 19%
Dimension Invader Elite Soldier (45) 1 шт, шанс 19%
Scavenger Ant (74) 1 шт, шанс 13%
Grave Scarab (73) 1 шт, шанс 12%
Shout of Splendor (65) 1 шт, шанс 11%
Black Shadow (74) 1 шт, шанс 1/11
Alpen Buffalo (67) 1 шт, шанс 1/11
Fline Elder (51) 1 шт, шанс 1/12
Grave Keeper Dark Horror (40) 1 шт, шанс 1/13
Snipe (44) 1 шт, шанс 1/13
Alpen Kookaburra (65) 1 шт, шанс 1/14
Leto Lizardman Overlord (40) 1 шт, шанс 1/20
Porta (40) 1 шт, шанс 1/20
Tarlk Bugbear High Warrior (49) 1 шт, шанс 1/21
Hatu Windsus (40) 1 шт, шанс 1/57